Employment Opportunities

Zavalla ISD Job Vacancies (Updated July 16, 2024)

***Currently, ZISD professional staff receive a $750 stipend at or around Thanksgiving. Our salary schedule is attached at the bottom of this page. 

If You Are Interested in Becoming a Substitute Teacher Please Print Application and Return to ZISD ADMIN Office.

2024-2025 High School History contact gvaughan@zavallaisd.org

2024-25 Secondary Resource Contact Glen Vaughan gvaughan@zavallaisd.org

2024-2025 DAEP/ISS Position Contact Glen Vaughan gvaughan@zavallaisd.org

Approved Salary for Teachers


Criminal History

Paraprofessional Application

Paraprofessionals, Cafeteria, Housekeeping, Maintenance

Substitute Teaching