Nikolas Brunk was 6th in Poetry and Michael Blair was 5th in prose.

Ready Writing - Jayden McCoy 3rd and Jacob Quick 6th.
Jayden is Regional Bound!

Jordan Howard 4th Current Issues and Events - Regional Alternate

Logan Smith 2nd place Prose - Region Bound!

Congrats to Baylee Snodgrass 2nd Place in Number Sense at district UIL- Region Bound!

Mrs. Tripp’s 8th grade SS class worked in groups to lay out the steps that led to the Civil War

Zavalla FCCLA member Collin Musick placed third at the Angelina County Fair with his Blueberry Cake. Congratulations, Collin!

Baseball game here today at 4PM vs Leggett.

Haven Fant placed 2nd in the senior pies division with her Triple Flavor Diner Pie at the Angelina County Fair. Congratulations, Haven!
#ZavallaEagles 🦅

Andy Warhol/Jackson Pollock Art combo. A little Warhol Soup with a splatter of Pollock!

⚾️ Schedule Change ⚾️
Game with West Sabine is postponed due to their field being too wet to play.

Today’s softball game is rescheduled for Wednesday at West Sabine, 4:00PM.

Pre k is learning to describe, categorize, compare and contrast with animals in our zoo.

Baseball Update:
We are going to play Leggett on Monday, March 21st at 4:00pm at our field. It is the makeup game for the rainout from March 8th.

Congrats to our Zavalla Theatre for their Bi-District OAP appearance. They did not advance to the next competition but we are proud of their success this year. Congrats to the schools who are advancing!
Here are the students who were recognized:
Honor Crew- Jonathan Vaughn; Honorable Mention All Star Cast- Nikolas Brunk; All Star Cast- Baylee Snodgrass and Jacob Quick

Due to the weather and people having to travel, we are going to cancel the track meet today. Thank you and enjoy your spring break!

If you are attending the Junior High Track Meet this Monday at San Augustine:
Students be at school at 12:45PM.
Field events start at 3:30PM.
Also, the San Augustine Varsity Meet for Thursday has been cancelled.
thank you,
Coach D

Congrats to two of our own, Garon and Matt, on qualifying for state team roping!

Our 7th grade Fine Arts class recreated Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers." Painted acrylic background. Quilling (an art technique)was used on the vases to give a 3D effect. And paper flowers to finish.
#ZavallaEagles 🦅

Results from junior high track meet at Center ISD last night from Coach D:
Katelyn Smith got 4th in 2400 and 1600. Girls relay team placed 3rd in the 4x100 relay, 4th in the 4x200, 3rd in the 4x400. Garon Grimes got 6th in discus and Draven Olds got 6th in 2400.
#ZavallaEagles 🦅