Tonight the Girls have a Varsity scrimmage against Martinsville at Martinsville starting at 5:00pm. Come out and support the girls as we have our first scrimmage of the year!!

Karen Stafford from Texas A&M Forestry was be here to speak with our sixth graders during third and fifth periods.

Intro to Culinary students are practicing their cooking skills today. They are making French Toast.

The character walk for Halloween will be at 1 o’clock today at the Elementary for Pre-K through 5th grade students. Parents are welcome to check in and come watch as the students walk the halls!!!


Tonight’s junior high baseball game versus Centerville is scheduled for 6PM at Zavalla.

Mrs Tripp’s World History class is preparing her class for Day of the Dead.

4th and 5th grade had some elderly visitors today for “Dress Like Grown Ups” day!

Red Ribbon Week 2022
Oct. 24-Oct. 28

2022-23 Junior High Baseball and Softball Schedules

2022-23 Basketball Schedule

Zavalla PTO Presents:
Fall Festival
Oct. 21 | 6PM

Taco ‘bout Boss’ Day!
Happy Boss’ Day to the Best!!!
Elementary teachers celebrated Coach D with a Mexican luncheon!!

Zavalla ISD teachers received a “sweet treat” from the Zavalla PTO Wednesday on each campus. Thank you PTO!

Mrs. Matlock’s class is working hard in the reading center and building with magnetic tiles in the math center.
#ZavallaEagles 🦅

Zavalla ISD
Student Flu Shots
November 1, 2022
*Please sign up using the following link:
Deadline to register is October 27, 2022.

Students of the Month
High School: Logan Smith, Valerie Runnels
Junior High: Lane Jarman, Emma Padrick

Zavalla ISD will release early on Friday, Oct. 7th. Car Riders at 11:45 a.m. and buses at noon.
Monday, October 10th, is a school holiday.

Zavalla FFA is selling our meat and dessert items now till October 17th. Please see any Zavalla ag student for info on how to order. We appreciate your support.

Pre-K has been learning the sound of and how to make the letter A. Today we had a special visitor to help us remember what the letter A sounds like. Thank you Mr. Sparrow from the Texas Parks and Wildlife.